What is the reason of your being?

  • Do you know, what is the thing that gets you up every morning?
  • Have you ever thought about it? Or is it all over your mind, all the time?
  • How do some people know, what they want and have a passion for life, while others languish in confusion?
  • Is it a point to just keep ourselves living daily? Or we need to seek a higher purpose?
  • How to discover our meaning to this life?

Let’s work through ourselves step by step and dive in our deeper layers for our better understanding.

Let’s Seek the 1st Step:-

  • What you love the most?
  • What you are good at?

When we find, what we love the most, and what we are good at, the intersection of these two circles unearths Passion.

By uncovering these two, we generate lot of Passion, by following our heart, and walk the path where, we feel more Alive.

Let’s Seek the 2nd Step:-

  • What you love the most.
  • What the world needs.

Once we know, what we love doing the most and what the world needs, the intersection of these two circles unearths Mission.

By un-layering this, it leads us with a mission to fulfil in our lives for doing something for what world needs.

Let’s Seek the 3rd Step:-

  • What you are good at.
  • What you can be paid for.

When we know what we are good at and when we get paid for what we are good at, this intersection becomes our Profession, our Job.

Let’s Seek the 4th Step:-

  • What the World needs.
  • What we get paid for.

When we understand what the world needs, and when we are able to serve this need and also get paid for, this synergy creates our Vocation.

These steps leads us to our understanding of the four major channels of our construct, of the way we are made of:-

  • Passion
  • Mission
  • Profession
  • Vocation

These four channels will lead us into our vortex to know what our core is made of, what our center axis is revolving around. This center is the very reason of our being, this core is the very purpose to wake us up every morning. Once we start walking on this guided path, it unearths our Soul purpose and our sole purpose.

In return we get:-

  • We feel more alive.
  • We are happier.
  • We are more satisfied.
  • We are more joyful.
  • We start living in the moment.
  • We enjoy our relationships.
  • We are healthier.
  • We are totally aligned to our Career and Purpose.
  • We prosper and have more abundance.


Walk The Path Where You Feel More Alive.

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