Heal Yourself By Embracing the Trees.

On Earth there are two most evolved consciousness, we humans and the trees, and the trees are very powerful, as they are the lungs of our planet.

They not only turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, but they also they also have the ability to absorb negative energy and convert it into positive.

Trees dig their roots deep into Earth, They rise above as higher as they go deeper with their roots. They absorb the Earth energy as well as the heavenly force of the cosmos.

Trees are believed to be the most spiritually and advanced plant on Earth, due to their prevailing subtle energy in a constant meditative stance.

It’s a Daoist practice taught by my master Sifu Carlton hill. We can establish our connection with trees, by understanding and resonating in their language.

They can help us cleanse and detox us and unblock our energy channels giving us a pure flow of vitality, calmness and sense of contentment.

Like any other relationship, you benefit from each other by the natural harnessing of your connection, similarly trees benefits us by eliminating our blocks and balancing the devitalized parts.

  • How to Use Chi Energy of Trees to Heal Yourself?

We need to choose the right tree to resonate with, and establish a connection to get healed eventually.

  • How to Choose The Right Tree?

As long as humanity exists, we have been using parts of trees for medications. And along the way we have discovered, which type of tree should be used for the type of ailment.

The big ones are the best. They radiate Qi, nourish our being, strengthen the nervous system, and even help in longevity while feeding the soul and spirit.

Pines, which are often the subjects of ancient Chinese poetry and paintings, are considered to be “immortal trees.”

There are, however, other trees which you can choose from. The big ones have maximum energy while those that sit up near the streams are also the best.

Trees have different characteristics. Some are hotter or warmer and others are cooler or colder. With constant practice, you are able to distinguish each species from the others.

Keep in mind that small trees don’t have enough energy to accommodate you while gigantic trees may drown you with their energy.

It’s best to select one that is medium sized and robust.

  • How to Establish an Energy Relationship with the Tree?

Be open and give them your respect without pushing them too hard to bend to your purpose.

Take the permission from the tree and request him to allow you to embrace. Feel the vibration and sense it within you.

The most important thing when establishing a connection is to be near the tree so you can touch it, to open yourself up and to be clear in your intent while showing love.

By activating these four elements you will establish an energy relationship with the tree:

  • Touch
  • Openness
  • Sincerity
  • Love

You can create a silent communion rite with the tree that is understood by both of you and the tree.

Just make sure that you spend at least 30 minutes around the tree. However, some trees might respond quicker depending on their energy.

  • How The Healing Process Begins?

Visit the tree frequently.

When you keep returning back to the same tree, you are likely to begin your lasting relationship with it.

Once you visit it regularly, it will soon recognise you, and understand your energy.

Creating a spiritual communion with trees is like making love that requires sensuality and tenderness.

When you finally establish that communion, you don’t need to control the situation. Just allow yourself to relax and melt in that communion.

Allow the tree to guide you to your healing. It might remedy your issue or it might give you intuitive guidance as how to find additional help.

If nothing else, it will heal the spiritual aspect of your problem.

“Every year my master takes us for ‘forest bathing’, where we spend quiet time, absorbing the wisdom of the forest, taking long walks among the trees, to stimulate our immune system.

In Taoism, students are encouraged to meditate among trees, and it is believed that the trees will absorb negative energies, replacing them with healthy ones. Trees are seen as a source of emotional and physical healing, absorbing universal energies.”


This is Zhan Zhuang, Embracing the tree, a very powerful Qigong for Qi cultivation
This is Zhan Zuang, a Very Powerful Qigong for Qi Cultivation.

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